Saturday, October 25, 2008


@ 9:40am today we transferred 2 of my IP's embabies into me in hopes that they stick around for the next 8+ months!

I have decided this cycle that I will not be a POAS-a-holic like my last few cycles.........we'll see how that holds up!


Shantay said...

How are you doing? I am 'following' your blog. Follow mine and we can keep track of each other's journey. Thanks again for the 'good luck'.

How did the transfer go?

Shantay said...

How did the transfer go?

Shantay said...

Ok sorry about the multiples... I thought cyber-space ate my 1st comment so I just did a generic one and then realized you have to 'approve it'. LOL... Ok maybe I am blonde... hehehe